Until yesterday, I was able to receive all freeviewchannels I know of. Like Mrs L Hardy, yesterday I stopped being able to receive BBC1,2,3, but continued being able to receive channels on other multiplexes. I can currently receive a total of 90 channels, but no BBC1,2,3. I have a signal booster, but turning this off causes many other channels (eg, ITV1,2,3) to become unavailable, and doesn't bring BBC1,2,3 back (including after a rescan); without the booster on, I can still receive BBC 4, Film 4, Dave, etc (56 channels in total).
I'll try getting hold of an attenuator; hopefully the problem is that BBC1,2,3 are now too powerful, but the other channels which haven't been boosted yet are still too weak. Hopefully after the other channels are boosted, I'll just need an attenuator, and no longer need the booster.
Thursday 31 March 2011 11:38PM
Until yesterday, I was able to receive all freeview channels I know of. Like Mrs L Hardy, yesterday I stopped being able to receive BBC1,2,3, but continued being able to receive channels on other multiplexes. I can currently receive a total of 90 channels, but no BBC1,2,3. I have a signal booster, but turning this off causes many other channels (eg, ITV1,2,3) to become unavailable, and doesn't bring BBC1,2,3 back (including after a rescan); without the booster on, I can still receive BBC 4, Film 4, Dave, etc (56 channels in total).
I'll try getting hold of an attenuator; hopefully the problem is that BBC1,2,3 are now too powerful, but the other channels which haven't been boosted yet are still too weak. Hopefully after the other channels are boosted, I'll just need an attenuator, and no longer need the booster.