Now we've lost the lot because some bright spark forgot to include Midhurst in the COM7/8 transmitter upgrade before they took the channels away. The advice to use Crystal Palace is useless, because CP is over 40 miles away and we are in a poor reception area for that transmitter.
There's no timescale either as to when Midhurst will be upgraded, I'm left with a HD television that is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. But then, anybody who lives outside of the London centric area always gets a poor deal when it comes to any digital services.
Sunday 1 January 2017 8:25PM
We used to have HD via Midhurst. used to.
Now we've lost the lot because some bright spark forgot to include Midhurst in the COM7/8 transmitter upgrade before they took the channels away. The advice to use Crystal Palace is useless, because CP is over 40 miles away and we are in a poor reception area for that transmitter.
There's no timescale either as to when Midhurst will be upgraded, I'm left with a HD television that is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. But then, anybody who lives outside of the London centric area always gets a poor deal when it comes to any digital services.