Viewers can look forward to another teleshopping stations or even better, another telephone prostitution service.
There is just not enough competition on the TV telephone prostitution services so anything which may help bring down the prices is surely to be welcomed.
And furthermore, it helps unemployed middle aged women get back into work, something the government are strongly in favor or, since they authorize these prositution services through the OFCOM regulatory agency.
Wednesday 9 November 2011 9:33PM
This is good news.
Viewers can look forward to another teleshopping stations or even better, another telephone prostitution service.
There is just not enough competition on the TV telephone prostitution services so anything which may help bring down the prices is surely to be welcomed.
And furthermore, it helps unemployed middle aged women get back into work, something the government are strongly in favor or, since they authorize these prositution services through the OFCOM regulatory agency.