1st part of digital switchover was today, the second part is on the 21st. Using the Sutton Coldfield transmitter. My reception was perfect before today, except occasionally bad weather gavea poor signal on some freeview channels. Now all the channels except BBC 1 and 2 have terrible reception, with loss of signal, fragmenting and loss of the picture every few seconds and loss of sound every few seconds.
Wednesday 7 September 2011 9:03PM
1st part of digital switchover was today, the second part is on the 21st. Using the Sutton Coldfield transmitter. My reception was perfect before today, except occasionally bad weather gavea poor signal on some freeview channels. Now all the channels except BBC 1 and 2 have terrible reception, with loss of signal, fragmenting and loss of the picture every few seconds and loss of sound every few seconds.