I live in Derbyshire and use, I believe, a transmitter in Nottingham - we had the analogue turned off earlier this week and had to retune all digitalchannels.
Since then the reception on BBC1 had been terrible, it will be fine for a few minutes then picture will freeze, sound will go and it will lose the signal all together for a few seconds then it is back. ITV and other channels seem fine - only BBC is a problem, it was fine before I had to re-tune. Any idea what I can do about this
Saturday 20 August 2011 9:12PM
I live in Derbyshire and use, I believe, a transmitter in Nottingham - we had the analogue turned off earlier this week and had to retune all digital channels.
Since then the reception on BBC1 had been terrible, it will be fine for a few minutes then picture will freeze, sound will go and it will lose the signal all together for a few seconds then it is back. ITV and other channels seem fine - only BBC is a problem, it was fine before I had to re-tune. Any idea what I can do about this