Are there any problems with transmitters in west central Scotland today? Blackhill Transmitter. My Tv's were working fine until about 6pm tonight and now most of the channels have disappeared . BBC 1 and the 24hr news channel are jsut about watchable but badly pixilated. I have a six way signal amplifier/ booster which seems to be powered up OK. can't understand how thsi should happen out ofe the blue . Any suggestions?
Saturday 9 June 2012 9:56PM
Are there any problems with transmitters in west central Scotland today? Blackhill Transmitter. My Tv's were working fine until about 6pm tonight and now most of the channels have disappeared . BBC 1 and the 24hr news channel are jsut about watchable but badly pixilated. I have a six way signal amplifier/ booster which seems to be powered up OK. can't understand how thsi should happen out ofe the blue . Any suggestions?