Lots of problems recently after a power failure last Thursday. Have followed your advice. Used Reset Method 1 but skipped Reset Method 2 and after an hour of updating gave up on Method 3. Basically my home channels on 101 and 102 do not appear if the sky card is inserted. When I want to watch Sky Sports which I pay, for I insert the card. However I have to take it out and use Reset Method 1 to get channels 101 and 102 and the search in the main menu for my home 101 and 102 channels to get local news.
Sunday 16 December 2012 6:41PM
Lots of problems recently after a power failure last Thursday. Have followed your advice. Used Reset Method 1 but skipped Reset Method 2 and after an hour of updating gave up on Method 3. Basically my home channels on 101 and 102 do not appear if the sky card is inserted. When I want to watch Sky Sports which I pay, for I insert the card. However I have to take it out and use Reset Method 1 to get channels 101 and 102 and the search in the main menu for my home 101 and 102 channels to get local news.