I am having a problem with my television we purchase a small flat screen TV from M&S as a second tele upstair. The picture has started to break up along with the sound.
I reported it to M&S who told me over the telephone that its the signal not the television.
When I pointed out that all I have two teleivisions in the house and they work ok. one off sky and one off aerial, he said that it was down to how the signal was collected in the television! He checked the signal by the post code and told me that the signal was weak and that was the problem and to keep rebooting the programs. Is this correct. My post code is SK12 1SX
Wednesday 20 April 2011 12:27PM
I am having a problem with my television we purchase a small flat screen TV from M&S as a second tele upstair. The picture has started to break up along with the sound.
I reported it to M&S who told me over the telephone that its the signal not the television.
When I pointed out that all I have two teleivisions in the house and they work ok. one off sky and one off aerial, he said that it was down to how the signal was collected in the television! He checked the signal by the post code and told me that the signal was weak and that was the problem and to keep rebooting the programs. Is this correct. My post code is SK12 1SX