Wow, thought I was the only one with this issue as I've been checking out transmitter information most of the weekend. The rest of my weekend has been spent replacing various parts of aerial cable and booster, spent about £40 so far! Plus keep re-tuning my TV and getting 22 BBC channels only.
Wish I could re-align to Mendip, but I was told when I moved into the house that it would require a 15 foot pole on top of the house!
Sunday 23 June 2013 6:55PM
Wow, thought I was the only one with this issue as I've been checking out transmitter information most of the weekend. The rest of my weekend has been spent replacing various parts of aerial cable and booster, spent about £40 so far! Plus keep re-tuning my TV and getting 22 BBC channels only.
Wish I could re-align to Mendip, but I was told when I moved into the house that it would require a 15 foot pole on top of the house!