I live in London but as I am at the bottom of a hill I cannot pick up Crystal Palace transmitter. For the last 20 years my aerial has picked up Hanington with no problem. I carried out the digital switchover in Feb with no problem. But in the last two days the picture going through my video recorder is breaking up for ITV and all the other stations on that mux. I have checked the channel number and it is correct for Hanington ie Channel 42. Any idea what the problem is
Wednesday 14 March 2012 12:40PM
I live in London but as I am at the bottom of a hill I cannot pick up Crystal Palace transmitter. For the last 20 years my aerial has picked up Hanington with no problem. I carried out the digital switchover in Feb with no problem. But in the last two days the picture going through my video recorder is breaking up for ITV and all the other stations on that mux. I have checked the channel number and it is correct for Hanington ie Channel 42. Any idea what the problem is