I have split the signal from my satellite dish and now nothing works.

It is not possible to split the signal from a satellite dish.
If you want more than one signal from the dish, you must connect a quad-LNB and feed a signal from it to each dish
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Wednesday, 22 August 2012
AndyW1:01 PM
Thanks Jb38, I will try it tonight. The unused feed is long enough to reach the other bedroom so won't need to extend it. Cheers.
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Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Ciaran3:27 PM
Hi all,
This has probably be answered a million times but it has me confused...I have a sky dish with 2 feeds from it so I assume its a twin LNB - it wasnt being used downstairs so I am putting it into 2 rooms upstairs. I have extended the cable on both and they both run to sky boxes without any cards. Only one works...will I need to change to a quad LNB? (The cable I extended one of the feeds with is different (thicker) than the original cable but I used this in a previous place to run from the dish and it worked fine so dont think that has an affect). Any ideas please?
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jb385:05 PM
Ciaran: The answer is really quite simple, insomuch that no matter what type of satellite device is being used each of their "F" connector input sockets requires its own individual feed, and satellite feeds cannot be split or shared in anyway because the receiver sends instructions to the LNB (via two voltage levels) for polarity switching purposes.
As an example, someone might have a twin tuner Freesat PVR as well as two standard Sky boxes being used in bedrooms, and so each bedroom will require its own feed and with the Freesat PVR (or Sky+) requiring two, this to enable one channel to be viewed whilst recording the other, or alternatively two different channels being recorded at the same time.
As far as coax is concerned, the thicker cable is possibly only of better quality like WF100 or similar.
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jb385:44 PM
Ciaran: Also meant to say, that if a satellite feed cable requires extending then it should only be done by using an "F" connector on the end of each cable and the two coupled together using a female back to back coupler.
As far as one box not working is concerned, try swapping them over just to eliminate the possibility of one having developed a fault, if though the problem is still there then the chances are that a strand of the braiding wire has accidentally caught around the inner core of the coax whilst the "F" connector was being screwed on.
Finally, all LNB ports are independent of each other, and so they can be swapped over for testing purposes if its suspected that one port is down.
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Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Ciaran9:15 AM
Thanks jb38 - I will do some more testing as it is setup correctly.
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Thursday, 15 November 2012
Kelly11:00 AM
Hi I've moved my sky box upstairs to another room and extended the cable, i think i made a short circuit when trying to extend it and now it says no signal. Could I have damaged the lnb? my box downstairs works fine and i tried my box from upstairs downstairs to make sure its not a fault on the box and its fine. I have a quad lnb with sky plus downstairs and normal box upstairs. I tried all the reset options but still no joy?? please help
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Kelly12:37 PM
how do i turn on single feed mode with my sky + box, it's an amstrad drx280
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jb389:41 PM
Kelly: Its not the LNB that would be damaged but the circuitry in the box that's associated with supplying the power to the LNB, and with the chances of this happening being dependant on how long the box has been left running into a short circuit, as some boxes can last for hours whereas others will fail in about 30 minutes, however I believe that you have tested the box on another dish feed and it seems to be OK, so your luck seems to be in!
You should completely unscrew the "F" connector plugs from the ends of the coax and carefully check them to make sure that a single strand of the braiding has not got accidentally wrapped around the middle core when the "F" plug was being screwed onto the coax, as this nearly always the cause of failure when a lead has been extended.
Cant at present give details specific to that model regarding single feed use, but if this facility is offered on that model its always accessible in either the set up or installers menu, the latter obtainable by pressing: services - 4 then 0 - 1 - select, whereas on some boxes its services - 0 then 0 - 1 - select.
By the way dependant on box, the procedure mentioned to obtain the installers menu can be done in one complete sequence without any gaps.
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Saturday, 24 November 2012
stuart12:17 PM
If my nieghbour in the adjoining flat didnt use his sky connection could I use this as my second input and have full sky plus functionality (ie. run a cable through the wall?).
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Sunday, 25 November 2012
jb387:56 AM
stuart: Taking it that you are referring to a communal system then in theory yes!
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