If I cancel my Sky subscription can i add more recievers to recieve free channel

Yes you can. Your expired subscription card will act like a FreesatfromSky (fSfS)
card for your existing box. If you want to use the Quad-LNB output to drive
other boxes, Sky will let you buy up to four of their ã20 FreesatfromSky (fSfS)
cards, but these are only needed for getting the right BBC and ITV regions
and access to Channel 4, five and Sky Three.
Do I understand you in saying if I'm not bothered about which region I watch then it will not matter.
will it be as sky is now where we will be able to choose which BBC region we watch we watch?
Without a card, the Sky Digibox will provide the London BBC and ITV regions. With a card the "correct" BBC and ITV region is show. You can select other BBC regions and ITV regions in the normal way with or without a card.