Catherine: The Ballachulishrelay (and also Kinlochleven relay) get their signal from the Onich transmitter. Yesterday, Onich had a major engineering refit and so was off-air to allow the engineers to safely work on the antennas.
If you still have no signal today, then that suggests you retuned while the transmitters were off, and so your TVs will have lost their settings. Another retune now that the services are back on should sort it out.
Thursday 10 December 2020 8:48AM
Catherine: The Ballachulish relay (and also Kinlochleven relay) get their signal from the Onich transmitter. Yesterday, Onich had a major engineering refit and so was off-air to allow the engineers to safely work on the antennas.
If you still have no signal today, then that suggests you retuned while the transmitters were off, and so your TVs will have lost their settings. Another retune now that the services are back on should sort it out.