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Sunday 20 March 2011, PM

In-car DAB works. (Shock!) - James Cridland

Shock Posted on Sunday, March 20th, 2011 at 1133 am. In it, they claim high satisfaction levels with in-car DAB radio, following some research. Naturally, Digital Radio UK will cherry-pick the best bits out of the research, so Ive asked them for the complete research to look at it. -
Saturday 19 March 2011, PM

Interest grows in Blighty's new local TV network - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety

To reduce risks for the startup, in October, Hunt forced the BBC to subsidize the plan to the tune of 25 million 40.2 million a year, plus provide coin to help build infrastructure. Adding the BBC subsidy to the plan, optimists calculate that Channel 6 could become financially solvent. Channel 5 has struggled to survive and become profitable, with RTL selling the loss-making station to newspaper and magazine magnate Richard Desmond last year. -
Friday 18 March 2011, PM

BBC - Radio 4 Blog: Controller Andy Parfitt on Radio 1 and Asian Network

Of course, as with the condemned, then reprieved, 6 Music, the audiences went up considerably as soon as sentence was passed. Nothing concentrates the mind of BBC radio listeners as the prospective death of their favourite network. So is the Asian network also to be reprieved in another BBC u-turn -

BBC - Research and Development: Prototyping Weeknotes #54

This week was our bi-annual review by the management much talk of KPIs and deliverables and slide-wrangling. Kat's grabbed some rambling discussions by the scruff of the neck and is now organising and documenting some work on the BBC's strategy for user-owned data. User-generated content has really come of age now it has ethical, technical and business considerations that need straightening out before it can be used to its full potential. -

BBC - The Editors: Comments and making our coverage more social

Following on from our website editor Steve Herrmann, I wanted to share with you more details about how we plan to integrate your comments into our stories, as one element within our overall aim to make our website feel more social. We have also for many years run our Have Your Say debates, but within a specific section on the site, often in something of a silo away from the rest of the content. So having changed the underlying technology last year - to bring it into line with the pan-BBC system, we are now in a position to surface that interactivity more within the stories - themselves. -

Cheeky guide on how to jump paywalls - Media -

To find out more information about driving traffic to your content or to place this widget on your site, visit We welcome your feedback at or -

BBC News - What makes TV difficult to hear?

This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets CSS enabled. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets CSS if you are able to do so. -
Friday 18 March 2011, AM

BBC paying out unearned allowances - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

The BBC is wasting millions of pounds a year paying allowances to staff who do not qualify for them, it was reported today. It is only right that BBC staff have an opportunity to input ideas about shaping the BBC's future. The BBC has committed to reducing the pay bill of senior managers by 25 and the number of senior managers by 20. -

Ofcom to investigate UK s 3.5bn TV advertising market - Business News, Business - The Indepen

The media watchdog has launched an inquiry into how television advertising is bought and sold in the UK, following concerns that the current system may distort competition. Ofcom announced yesterday that it was to review the trading mechanism governing the 3.5bn television advertising market and warned it will call in the competition authorities if any issues emerge. The results could create a significant change to operations at some of the UK's largest broadcasters including ITV and Channel 4. -

Murdoch sued for nepotism over 400m deal for daughter s firm - TV Radio, Media - The Indepe

The action surprised the company, which had considered the matter a done deal. ABNY's shares amount to only 0.003 per cent of News Corp stock. The deal which still has to go before News Corp's audit committee is expected to pave the way for Elisabeth, 42, to take a seat on the board. -
Thursday 17 March 2011, PM

Lord Sugar gives a timely boost to YouView’s public profile - Opinion - New Media Age

new media age gives you practical, expert knowledge on how to demystify the latest digital trends and make them work for your business. Sorry, were not currently accepting new online subscriptions to -

BBC - About the BBC: BBC North - bringing it home


Ofcom to review TV airtime deals - Media -

Ed Richards said the current TV airtime trading system was a source of 'perennial anxiety'. The review is the first in-depth look at the UK airtime trading system and potentially, depending on the outcome, the most important action in the market since the contract rights renewal regime was introduced in 2003 governing ITV1's deals with advertisers. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. -

Lakes TV to broadcast on Freesat for first time - North West Media News - How-Do

Ulverstons Lakes TV is moving on to the Freesat platform to complement its current broadcasts on Sky and Freeview. Today also marks the first anniversary of the stations first broadcast of the 'Lakes TV' magazine show on Sky. Did you enjoy this article -

BBC News - Re-tune reminder for East Midlands TV viewers

17 March 2011 Last updated at 0614 ET Some digital television viewers will need to re-tune equipment this month as part of the digital switchover. The Nottingham transmitter, serving a small area northwest of the city, will lose BBC2 analogue on 30 March, and the remaining channels two weeks later. Viewers in all those regions should re-tune on 30 March, said Digital UK. -
Thursday 17 March 2011, AM

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp sued over 'nepotism' in buying his daughter's firm - Media -

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp is paying 675m for Elisabeth's company Shine. The deal, which following regulatory approval is expected to close on 31 March, will see 42-year-old Elisabeth take a seat on the News Corp board. Amalgamated Bank, a trustee for several investment funds, holds about 1 million shares or 0.003 of News Corporation stock. -

BBC 'wasting nearly 80m a year through poor staff management' - Media -

BBC director general Mark Thompson wants to cut 400m from budgets in the wake of the licence fee freeze. More than 1,000 job cuts have already been announced by the BBC from the World Service and its online operation and several thousand more are expected up to 25 of the total workforce of about 22,000 as part of the cost cutting in the coming years. Poorly performing staff were costing the corporation more than 50m a year, according to the report, which recommended the introduction of a new management appraisal system based on conversations rather than paperwork. -

Original content at BBC2 in doubt - News - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -

Letters: Global and local effects of BBC cuts - Media - The Guardian

Why does he need to be there at all Throughout the four and a half decades of its existence BBC local radio has repeatedly experienced cuts, with the result that the original vision of close community involvement and participation has been lost as coverage areas have increased and worthy initiatives have been abandoned. Yet might not good come of it, I wondered, when I was reminded of the scale of the overall cuts the BBC is trying to make 400m. -
Wednesday 16 March 2011, PM

BBC - About the BBC: Delivering Quality First - exploring ideas


BBC plans to cut up to 25% of workforce by 2016 - Media -

More than 1,000 job losses have already been announced including 650 at the World Service and 360 from the BBC's online operation and this figure is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. BBC executives are understood to accept that several thousand jobs will go as they draw up plans to meet director general Mark Thompson's target of a 20 cut to the corporation's costs in the coming years. Some insiders believe this figure could reach 25 of the existing workforce, although the BBC insists there is no specific plan to cut this number of staff. -

Gavyn Davies: role of BBC chairman 'devalued' - Media -

Gavyn Davies said the BBC needed a proper full-time figurehead. The governorship of the BBC was a real honour in the UK. To contact the MediaGuardian news desk email or phone 020 3353 3857. -

BBC - The Editors: BBC News website developments

If you are a regular visitor to the BBC News website there are some developments heading your way which you might be interested in. It's obviously an incredibly busy time in the Newsroom and our journalists are still working flat out to cover the disaster in Japan, as well as the events in Libya and the Middle East. We've seen record traffic 15.9m unique users last Friday, for example as people have come to the site for updates, followed our Live Page coverage and watched unprecedented amounts of video. -

Radio Today.. with RCS: Ford goes DAB standard early


Media Talk podcast: Blogging the revolution from the al-Jazeera forum in Doha

YouView explained - Freeview and Freesat set-top boxe reviews - TV DVD - Which? Technology

YouView launches On 4th July 2012 YouView finally announced the launch if its set-top box and service and it went on sale at the end of July 2012. YouView is available in two ways from retailers, with no further TV subscription, or from an ISP as part of a phone and broadband package. BT and TalkTalk offer packages with additional content and services to customers accessing YouView via their broadband networks. -
Wednesday 16 March 2011, AM

Brian Cox over the moon after Royal Television Society awards - Television radio - The Guardian

Brian Cox at the RTS awards, where he won best presenter and his documentary won the science and natural history prize. She collected the prize for best comedy performance and her show landed the award for best scripted comedy. The original referred to Brian Cox as astrophysicist and one-time pop musician. -

The BBC Asian Network is worth saving – just listen to the audience - Nihal Arthanayake - Comment is free - guardian.c

In the midst of all this euphoria some people had missed the comment about this being an update not an announcement. For the staff and broadcasters this was a vindication of the huge effort that had been put into turning the station around, from one that was perceived to be failing, to one that has increased its listening figures by 33 in one year. It was over a year ago that I wrote an article here outlining how absurd I found the idea of closing the Asian Network down was. -

CITV celebrates fifth anniversary - Toy Industry - News by ToyNews

New look promos to run across all ITV channels to mark the occasion. As the only dedicated commercial kids channel on Freeview, CITV claims it has the third largest share of impacts across all commercial and non commercial channels. CITV broadcasts seven days a week from 6am to 6pm across all digital platforms, as well as being on terrestrial ITV1 during weekend mornings. -

MediaTel: Newsline: YouView in danger of becoming obsolete

In January, the Daily Mail claimed that YouView was facing 'technical difficulties' and would be forced to delay its launch from the summer to the end of the year, though recent reports suggest that 2012 is a more likely bet. The Business Insights report believes this delay could be costly, to say the least, as the venture will be overtaken by new technologies and services before it even comes to market. However, there is a major issue in the continued delay of the launch of the project, which could render it obsolete. -

Thousands of Welsh homes lack full range of digital TV - Wales News - News - WalesOnline

Tuesday 15 March 2011, AM

Euro TV channels maintain position - Broadband TV News

EMS is designed to measure the habits of Europes most affluent consumers and top business decision makers. It is also the only pan-European guide to awareness and audiences of the continents major TV brands. Eurosport retained its commanding lead with a monthly reach of 45.2 and a weekly reach of 28.4. -

Philips s 2011 HDTVs Will Feature Freeview HD Tuner For The First Time

Last week, the Dutch manufacturer unveiled its new consumer electronics products for the year ahead at its annual media event in Barcelona. Recognising the growing importance of internet connectivity, Philips has also beefed up the web-connected interface on its 2011 TVs. -

Lord Patten in the hot seat

The Time - 10am on Thursday 10th March. In the corridor outside, the media pack compares notes about what is a unique event, the first time that the appointment of the top job in the BBC has been subject to scrutiny by a parliamentary committee. Over the next two hours or so the parliamentary committee, polite but forensic, probes Lord Patten's politics, business interests, possible biases and rather elitist listening habits. -

Is the background music too loud?

One of the most common complaints to BBC television in recent years has been that some people find it hard to hear the dialogue in our shows. As a result of these complaints in 2009, Jay Hunt my predecessor as controller of BBC One launched an extensive study into why people were experiencing these difficulties. BBC Vision's Audibility project was a huge undertaking. -
Monday 14 March 2011, PM

Research and Development: Testing RadioVIS

Chris Needham previously posted about our initial experiments and a Python client that allows you to see the content without having the requisite radio device. We're now ready to test a prototype and get your feedback. It is not yet a live service for all BBC radio stations, though we hope to be able to trial that soon. -

How the licence fee supports UK jobs and businesses


Radio Today.. with RCS: DAB TXs for Peaks and N Wales


Ofcom's News Corp-BSkyB report - Media -

In doing so he alleges that market share data which we presented in our report was 'simply made up'. Our published report sets out clearly how this data was derived and the sources on which it was based. He also presents a fundamentally biased assessment of our report by focusing on just a single statistic the share of UK media consumption for different media enterprises, based on minutes of use by a typical consumer in a day. -

BBC U-turn over Asian Network closure - Media -

The decision will be warmly welcomed by the station's staff and listeners, but the corporation's critics will view it as its second embarrassing U-turn, a year after the BBC Trust rebuffed management plans to close its sister digital station, 6 Music. BBC executives are understood to have concluded that a national digital radio station remains the best way to reach Asian listeners, rather than a collection of medium-wave services that was mooted as one possible replacement. The station's audience has already increased by about a third since the closure plan was announced in March 2010 and it had an average weekly reach of 477,000 listeners in the final three months of last year. -

News Corp/BSkyB merger: letter to MPs and peers - Media -

As we now know, the Culture Secretary went on to revise this position. He announced on Thursday 3 March that he was minded to accept undertakings from News Corporation and clear the way for the takeover, subject to a consultation period ending Monday 21 March. This letter sets out why the alliance believes the proposed undertakings will be ineffective and will not achieve their stated aim of protecting plurality in news media. -

News Corp-Sky deal: opponents urge MPs to lobby Jeremy Hunt - Media -

Jeremy Hunt's decision is subject of a 15-day consultation. The companies added that the News Corp/Sky deal should still be referred by Hunt to the Competition Commission and urge parliamentarians to write to the culture secretary making this argument. The letter has been sent to MPs and some members of the House of Lords. -
Monday 14 March 2011, AM

BBC: Cuts we'd all want a say on - Peter Preston - The Guardian

Pain that only a continuing Labour government might have spared us perhaps. We can say what we want or don't want to watch or listen to as 17 or so has to be lopped off our corporation menu. Maybe 40m for Formula Onecan't be afforded any longer -

Stephen Glover: Patten and Cameron may be on collision course - Stephen Glover, Opinion - The Indep

As chairman of the BBC Trust he will be paid 110,000 a year for what is supposed to be a four-day week, and one can't help wondering whether he will put in the hours. If I am somewhat unclear why Lord Patten sought the job, it is more obvious why he has been appointed. As governor of Hong Kong, Lord Patten did not mind aggravating the Chinese, thereby winning the plaudits of the liberal chattering classes. -

BBC4 Tractor fan Chris Patten must plough his own furrow - Media - The Guardian

Lord Patten showed in his appearance before the culture select committee last week he knew how to entertain. He confessed to an inability to locate Radio 1 on the FM dial and a remarkable enthusiasm for BBC4. The process has barely begun and the piranhas are stripping down BBC2, killing off local radio, handing over the remaining sports to Sky, and the rest. - - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express - TV Guide :: The Gadget Show

Saturday 12 March 2011, AM

R4Choice: Murdoch at 80, 5 March 2011
Friday 11 March 2011, PM

BBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's On BBC Red Button 12th - 25th March 2011

Red button viewers can watch exclusive performances from schools in the semi-final stage. 12 schools from across the UK made it through to the semi-finals, 6 in the junior competition and 6 in the senior. To complete the donation viewers should have their credit/debit cards handy and make sure their set-top box is connected to a telephone line. -

BBC - Research and Development: Prototyping Weeknotes #53

A number of RadioDNS-related projects are in early or late stages of their life at the moment. Vicky and others participated to several meetings and workshops with other teams in the BBC to merge our visions of a multi-screen BBC experience, and dream up ideas for future collaboration. Tristan, Joanne and Theo held the kick-off meeting with the company doing our Mythology user research to discuss the project plan and the target users and George spent the latter half of the week at another EU project meeting. -

Digital sound quality what the audience want - James Cridland

Digital sound quality what the audience want Posted on Friday, March 11th, 2011 at 930 am. Splits for radio as a whole show that DAB accounts for a minimum of 63.2 of all digital listening internet only 12 DTV only 17. -
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