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All posts by john hunt

Below are all of john hunt's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Freeview reception - all about aerials
Friday 24 August 2012 10:40AM
Blandford Forum

I have inbuilt freeview with our recent LG TV,
our pictures have begun to break up while we have been watching a programe,every few seconds the small box with [NO SIGNAL] pops on to the screen,we can usually watch bbc 1 and channel 80 but this is now starting to do similar.
We have asked a tv guy to help,he changed two boxes near the aerials,which contained printed circuites,this only lasted a couple of hours,not good for £84.00.Can anyone give us reasons for this change of our reception.
John and josie pensioners

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Friday 24 August 2012 1:58PM
Blandford Forum

I THANK YOU FOR THE INFORMATION,I will now go and apply some of this and see how we get on

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Friday 24 August 2012 11:39PM
Blandford Forum

my AE is Horizontal and pointing west as other local aerials

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Saturday 25 August 2012 12:14AM
Blandford Forum is pointing EAST my error.I may consider a new vertical aerial Jh.I will follow it up in the morning.thanks

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Saturday 25 August 2012 11:02AM
Blandford Forum

I thank you both for your advise, I feel much better in formed,The origional TV FITTER
that came here will only return for further payment,I will post the results next week.jh.

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Sunday 26 August 2012 12:02AM
Blandford Forum

TWO 5 to 6inch diameter boxes,both containing printed circuits were removed,when shown to me they appeared to be
dirty and old,each was joined together with a length of co-axial neighbours in one case had the same problem,some time ago but his was ok on completion..nb:he has two aerials on his bungalow chimney,[as in my case]I have been to see a local reputable tv co..THEY are fully booked for two weeks..
I HAVE a small 12volt electric unit,connected to the rear of tv ,into the aerial,this was fitted 3yrs ago..Ihad it checked out it is sends millie amps up to the aerial from its transformer.?

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Sunday 26 August 2012 12:51AM
Blandford Forum

I have as far as I know been re tuning the set correctly,it takes a few minutes on automatic to go through the channels ,giving a total of 91.jh

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Monday 27 August 2012 12:53AM
Blandford Forum

THANK YOU AGAIN,With all the information I will be able to sort somthing during the coming week,as I am in my late seventies too much info could do more harm than good.jh

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Thursday 30 August 2012 10:48AM
Blandford Forum

I HAD A LOT OF VERY USEFUL INFORMATION FROM YOURSELVES,But had to call in another TV engineer,your information was a great help because I was able to undestand what he said.His company was A [CAI] MEMBER.
The origional guy had removed the AMPLIFIER but not the faulty 12V POWER SUPPLIER,he had removed the DIPLEXER and not replaced it subsequently his new AMPLIFIER was ruined.I now have excellent pictures from the ROWRIDGE TRANSMITTER john hunt..

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