Sunday 3rd June, reception of all BBC channels was abysmal.
27.6 miles from Caradon Hill using a wideband antenna and Icecrypt T5000 receiver.
Reset rxer to factory default and retuned, have now lost Ch5 5usa and BBC blame the weather. This reception on Analogue was never ever this bad. It may be the Icecrypt receiver, so I have yet another receiver on order.
Thursday 7 June 2012 12:09PM
Sunday 3rd June, reception of all BBC channels was abysmal.
27.6 miles from Caradon Hill using a wideband antenna and Icecrypt T5000 receiver.
Reset rxer to factory default and retuned, have now lost Ch5 5usa and BBC blame the weather. This reception on Analogue was never ever this bad. It may be the Icecrypt receiver, so I have yet another receiver on order.