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All posts by michel

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Digital radio section
Monday 23 July 2012 11:57PM

O ye of little faith : DAB is ex cathedra superior. Don't argue.
Learn from Galileo. Irrelevant if you can't receive it indoors or in the stretched limo. Big (Bonus)Brother knows best. If the nation were compelled to replace the numerous domestic AM/FM radios with DAB beauties, the economic crisis would be no more... In an emergency, you might wistfully wish to listen to local radio. Hoard loads of long-life batteries. You will need 'em. If you can't receive local DAB radio courtesy of those kindly commercial chaps (who will only broadcast their own and BBC local radio output if the profit margin allows), keep an AM shortwave radio and you will be able to receive world updates from the mid and far east - 'cos Auntie's government intends to shut down optimal-coverage AM and reasonable coverage FM.

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