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True Movies +1

Behind the headlines, beyond the forensic reports, True Murder is a movie channel dedicated to crime lovers. Showcasing some of the most compelling murder stories ever told the difference is that these are not from a pen, but from true life occurrences.

Main TV standard-definiton channels

How to Watch: True Movies +1

Below is a list of all the television and radio channels that you can watch in the UK using one of the free services: DAB (for radio), Freeview, Sky No Card - Sky without a viewing card (Freesat from Sky (or fSfS)) and Freesat.. Where a channel can be watched for free, the channel number is listed below. In addition, if you can watch (or listen) immediately online, press the button in the "web" column.

As some channels are exclusive to one service alone, you may need to get receive more than one service to get all the channels you want. The coverage for Freeview differs too - those channels not provided by the public service "Freeview Light" transmitters the current coverage shown thus (54%), taken from Connected Nations Report 2017: Data analysis'

Key: wb_sunny daytime; watch_later nighttime; account_box funded from the TV License; flags show Freeview channel limits.
Choose from four options: ■ Show everything ■ Just on Freeview ■ Just on Freesat ■ Just on Sky
Main TV standard-definiton channels
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True Movies +1     england flag    

Regional content: National channel with no regional content or variations. For full details of broadcaster contacts, see the link icon True Movies +1 page.

Official site: See the link icon True Movies +1 website.

From Wikipedia: It was launched on 20 March 2006 and is a spinoff channel from True Movies 1 which was launched on 29 April 2005. True Movies 2 initially broadcast for two hours in the early morning, from 4am to 6am by timesharing with POP, a children's cartoon channel. The service was later extended to 24 hours a day. - link icon read more about True Movies +1 on wikipedia (summary by Clipped).

Wednesday, 9 November 2016
3:40 PM

I got True Christmas on my Freeview last year, but can't get it this year. Is there a reason? Does it move around each year?

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Jennifer's 1 post GB flag

5:47 PM

Jennifer: Do you receive a local TV station on either channel 7 or 8? If so you should also be able to receive True Christmas on channel 74, but you may need to retune if your receiver hasn't added it automatically.

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StevensOnln1's 3,680 posts GB flag
Friday, 11 November 2016
7:35 AM

i had to retune my tv to get it so that what you might have to do.

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sarah's 1 post GB flag
Thursday, 24 November 2016
2:28 PM

can I get tru Christmas channel 74 in Liskeard Cornwall

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trix's 1 post GB flag
Sunday, 19 March 2017
12:59 PM

My true movies doesn't work on my tv it says it resumes at 9pm but when I watch true entertainment it says true movies 1 is on right now. What should I do to get it back

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Billy's 1 post GB flag
Monday, 9 October 2017
9:42 AM

I got true christmas on my tv but it says will resume at 9pm but when i check the liatings it says the films are on do i get it?

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Dawn's 1 post GB flag

10:20 AM

Dawn et al:

True Christmas is available on Freesat channel 303. On Freeview it shares a channel allocation with other daytime services so cannot be broadcast during daytime.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag
Saturday, 14 October 2017
11:09 PM

Will true xmas be on 24 hours a day like it was last year at the moment it only shows 2 films .

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Jenkins's 3 posts GB flag
11:11 PM

Will xmas 24 be on 24 hours like it was last year at the moment it only shows 2 films a night.

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Jenkins's 3 posts GB flag
Sunday, 15 October 2017

11:10 AM


It currently hsares a channel with another broadcaster so is only able to broadcast after 9 PM.It is available all day on Freesat.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag
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