
For the last six years, I have answered many thousands of personal emails that you have sent to UK Free TV.
Sadly, I am unable to offer this personal service at the moment.
Until I can restore this service, please can you leave any questions you have on an appropriate page, where they will be answered as soon as possible, or below, if you can't figure out where to ask.
I look forward to your questions!
Help with TV/radio stations?
In this section
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Mike Dimmick2:19 PM
Helen: Are you continuing to watch channels via the Sky box, in the same way as you were for subscription channels? You should at least be able to watch the BBC's other channels and everything else listed at Compare Freesat and Freesat-from-Sky TV | - independent free digital TV advice under 'Freesat-from-Sky'.
Make sure that the encryption card is still in the box.
It's possible that if the box hasn't contacted Sky for a while, that the card hasn't been updated with the latest information, but I don't see how they could then have disabled the subscription access!
If it really has stopped working you could replace the Sky+ box with a Freesat+ box, which will be able to record and timeshift (these features are disabled by Sky on their boxes if you stop paying for the subscription.) However, you will lose the channels shown in the 'Channels on Freesat-from-Sky, but not on Freesat' section.
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'Cyclips': I didn't wish to overcomplicate matter by showing loads of details - they are all on the All free-to-watch channels | - independent free digital TV advice page.
I used 'NI' in a box for clarity.
The full list of local and regional DAB is:
96.3 Radio Aire: Leeds (3 tx)
96.3 Rock Radio: Edinburgh (5 tx) Glasgow (4 tx)
96.4 FM The Wave: Swansea SW Wales (3 tx)
ASIAN SOUND: Manchester (2 tx)
Absolute C Rock: Ayr (3 tx) Coventry (4 tx) Humberside (3 tx) Lancashire (2 tx) Leeds (3 tx) Liverpool (3 tx) London 3 (11 tx) Sheffield (2 tx) South East Devon (3 tx) South East Wales (3 tx) Teesside (2 tx) Tyne & Wear (2 tx) West Wiltshire (3 tx)
Absolute 90's: London 2 (20 tx)
Affinity Cambs: Cambridge (1 tx)
Aian Plus: Leicestershire (2 tx)
Angel Digital: South Hampshire (5 tx)
BBC Bristol: Bristol (4 tx)
BBC Cambs (Pbro): Peterborough (2 tx)
BBC Cornwall: Cornwall (2 tx)
BBC Cov & Warks: Coventry (4 tx)
BBC Cymru: South East Wales (3 tx)
BBC Essex: Essex (6 tx)
BBC GMR: Manchester (2 tx)
BBC Humberside: Humberside (3 tx)
BBC Lancashire: Lancashire (2 tx)
BBC Leicester: Leicestershire (2 tx)
BBC Merseyside: Liverpool (3 tx)
BBC Newcastle: Tyne & Wear (2 tx)
BBC Nottingham: Nottinghamshire (3 tx)
BBC RNanGaidheal: Aberdeen (3 tx) Ayr (3 tx) Central Scotland (6 tx)
BBC Radio Berks: Berks & N Hants (4 tx)
BBC Radio Cambs: Cambridge (1 tx)
BBC Radio Cymru: Swansea SW Wales (3 tx)
BBC Radio Devon: Plymouth (1 tx) South East Devon (3 tx)
BBC Radio Foyle: N. Ireland (6 tx)
BBC Radio Kent: Kent (5 tx)
BBC Radio Leeds: Bradfrd&Huddersf (3 tx) Leeds (3 tx)
BBC Radio Solent: Bournemouth (3 tx) South Hampshire (5 tx)
BBC Radio Stoke: Stoke & Stafford (4 tx)
BBC Radio Wales: South East Wales (3 tx) Swansea SW Wales (3 tx)
BBC Scotland: Aberdeen (3 tx) Ayr (3 tx) Edinburgh (5 tx) Glasgow (4 tx) Inverness (1 tx) Tayside (4 tx)
BBC Sheffield: Sheffield (2 tx)
BBC Shropshire: Wolv'ton & Shrop (2 tx)
BBC Sussex: Sussex Coast (6 tx)
BBC Tees: Teesside (2 tx)
BBC Ulster: N. Ireland (6 tx)
BBC WM: Birmingham (4 tx) Wolv'ton & Shrop (2 tx)
BBC Wilts (Swin): Swindon (3 tx)
BBC Wiltshire: West Wiltshire (3 tx)
BBCRNanGaidheal: Inverness (1 tx) Tayside (4 tx)
BBCRadioNorfolk: Norwich (5 tx)
BRMB: Birmingham (4 tx)
CAPITAL FM: London 1 (10 tx)
Capital: Berks & N Hants (4 tx) Bournemouth (3 tx) Cambridge (1 tx) Cornwall (2 tx) Essex (6 tx) Kent (5 tx) Leicestershire (2 tx) North East (5 tx) North West (8 tx) Norwich (5 tx) Nottinghamshire (3 tx) Peterborough (2 tx) Plymouth (1 tx) South East Devon (3 tx) South East Wales (3 tx) South Hampshire (5 tx) Sussex Coast (6 tx) West Midlands (9 tx) Yorkshire (10 tx)
Capital UK: Severn Estuary (10 tx)
Chill: London 1 (10 tx)
Choice FM: Bristol (4 tx) London 1 (10 tx) North East (5 tx) North West (8 tx) South East Wales (3 tx) West Midlands (9 tx) Yorkshire (10 tx)
Citybeat: N. Ireland (6 tx)
Classic FM: N. Ireland (6 tx)
Clyde 1: Glasgow (4 tx)
Clyde 2: Glasgow (4 tx)
Colourful: London 3 (11 tx)
Cool FM: N. Ireland (6 tx)
Desi Radio: London 3 (11 tx)
Downtown Radio: N. Ireland (6 tx)
FORTH 2: Edinburgh (5 tx)
FRENCH_RADIO_LDN: London 2 (20 tx)
Fire Radio: Bournemouth (3 tx) South Hampshire (5 tx)
Forth One: Edinburgh (5 tx)
Fun Kids: London 3 (11 tx)
Gaydar Radio: London 3 (11 tx) Sussex Coast (6 tx)
Gold - Bristol: Bristol (4 tx)
Gold - Cambridge: Cambridge (1 tx)
Gold - Coventry: Coventry (4 tx)
Gold - Dorset: Bournemouth (3 tx)
Gold - Essex: Essex (6 tx)
Gold - Kent: Kent (5 tx)
Gold - Leicester: Leicestershire (2 tx)
Gold - London: London 2 (20 tx)
Gold - Norwich: Norwich (5 tx)
Gold - Notts: Nottinghamshire (3 tx)
Gold - P'borough: Peterborough (2 tx)
Gold - Plymouth: Plymouth (1 tx)
Gold - Scotland: Central Scotland (6 tx)
Gold - Sth Devon: South East Devon (3 tx)
Gold - Sth Wales: South East Wales (3 tx)
Gold - Sussex: Sussex Coast (6 tx)
Gold - Swindon: Swindon (3 tx)
Gold - Wiltshire: West Wiltshire (3 tx)
Gold - Wolves: Wolv'ton & Shrop (2 tx)
Gold -Birmingham: Birmingham (4 tx)
Gold -Manchester: Manchester (2 tx)
Gold Berks/Hants: Berks & N Hants (4 tx)
Heart: Central Scotland (6 tx) Leicestershire (2 tx) North East (5 tx) North West (8 tx) Nottinghamshire (3 tx) Severn Estuary (10 tx) West Midlands (9 tx) Yorkshire (10 tx)
Heart Bath: West Wiltshire (3 tx)
Heart Berkshire: Berks & N Hants (4 tx)
Heart Bristol: Bristol (4 tx)
Heart Cambridge: Cambridge (1 tx)
Heart Devon: South East Devon (3 tx)
Heart Dorset: Bournemouth (3 tx)
Heart Essex: Essex (6 tx)
Heart Hampshire: South Hampshire (5 tx)
Heart Kent: Kent (5 tx)
Heart Norfolk: Norwich (5 tx)
Heart P'borough: Peterborough (2 tx)
Heart Plymouth: Cornwall (2 tx) Plymouth (1 tx)
Heart Sussex: Sussex Coast (6 tx)
Heart Wiltshire: Swindon (3 tx) West Wiltshire (3 tx)
Heat: Birmingham (4 tx) Bradfrd&Huddersf (3 tx) Humberside (3 tx) Lancashire (2 tx) Leeds (3 tx) Liverpool (3 tx) Sheffield (2 tx) Teesside (2 tx) Tyne & Wear (2 tx)
IBC Asia: London 3 (11 tx)
IBC Tamil Radio: London 3 (11 tx)
Jazz FM: Glasgow (4 tx) London 1 (10 tx)
JazzFM: West Midlands (9 tx)
Juice Digital: Sussex Coast (6 tx)
KARD Radio: South Hampshire (5 tx)
KERRANG!: Aberdeen (3 tx)
KERRANG!!: London 2 (20 tx)
KISMAT: Bradfrd&Huddersf (3 tx)
KISS: Aberdeen (3 tx) Berks & N Hants (4 tx) Birmingham (4 tx) Bradfrd&Huddersf (3 tx) Bristol (4 tx) Cornwall (2 tx) Edinburgh (5 tx) Glasgow (4 tx) Humberside (3 tx) Lancashire (2 tx) Leeds (3 tx) Leicestershire (2 tx) Liverpool (3 tx) London 1 (10 tx) N. Ireland (6 tx) Nottinghamshire (3 tx) Plymouth (1 tx) Sheffield (2 tx) South East Devon (3 tx) South Hampshire (5 tx) Stoke & Stafford (4 tx) Swansea SW Wales (3 tx) Swindon (3 tx) Tayside (4 tx) Teesside (2 tx) West Wiltshire (3 tx)
KISS 105 - 108: Cambridge (1 tx)
KISS Bournemouth: Bournemouth (3 tx)
KISS Coventry: Coventry (4 tx)
KISS Essex: Essex (6 tx)
KISS Manchester: Manchester (2 tx)
KISS Wolves: Wolv'ton & Shrop (2 tx)
Kerrang!: Central Scotland (6 tx) Humberside (3 tx) Lancashire (2 tx) Leeds (3 tx) Liverpool (3 tx) Manchester (2 tx) Sheffield (2 tx) Teesside (2 tx) Tyne & Wear (2 tx) West Midlands (9 tx)
Key103Manchester: Manchester (2 tx)
Kismat Radio: London 3 (11 tx)
Kiss: Ayr (3 tx) Kent (5 tx) Sussex Coast (6 tx)
LBC: Edinburgh (5 tx) Glasgow (4 tx) North East (5 tx) North West (8 tx) Severn Estuary (10 tx) West Midlands (9 tx) Yorkshire (10 tx)
LBC 97.3: London 1 (10 tx)
Lincs FM 102.2: Humberside (3 tx)
MAGIC: London 1 (10 tx) Tyne & Wear (2 tx)
MAGIC Manchester: Manchester (2 tx)
METRO: Tyne & Wear (2 tx)
MFR: Inverness (1 tx)
MFR Digital: Inverness (1 tx)
Magic: Lancashire (2 tx) Teesside (2 tx)
Magic 828WYorks: Leeds (3 tx)
Magic Liverpool: Liverpool (3 tx)
Masti Radio: Bradfrd&Huddersf (3 tx)
NECR: Aberdeen (3 tx)
NME Radio: Bristol (4 tx) Cambridge (1 tx) London 3 (11 tx) Norwich (5 tx) Peterborough (2 tx) South East Wales (3 tx)
New service 1: Glasgow (4 tx)
Northsound 1: Aberdeen (3 tx)
Northsound 2: Aberdeen (3 tx)
Panjab Radio: Bradfrd&Huddersf (3 tx) London 3 (11 tx) West Midlands (9 tx)
Pirate FM: Cornwall (2 tx)
Polish Radio Ldn: London 3 (11 tx)
Pop Up Radio: Ayr (3 tx) Berks & N Hants (4 tx) Bristol (4 tx) Cambridge (1 tx) Cornwall (2 tx) Coventry (4 tx) Essex (6 tx) Kent (5 tx) Leicestershire (2 tx) Norwich (5 tx) Nottinghamshire (3 tx) Peterborough (2 tx) Plymouth (1 tx) South East Devon (3 tx) Sussex Coast (6 tx) Swindon (3 tx) Wolv'ton & Shrop (2 tx)
Premier Gospel: London 3 (11 tx)
Pulse Gold: Bradfrd&Huddersf (3 tx)
Punjabi Radio: Coventry (4 tx) London 2 (20 tx) Wolv'ton & Shrop (2 tx)
Q102.9: N. Ireland (6 tx)
RADIO XL: Birmingham (4 tx)
REAL RADIO: North East (5 tx) North West (8 tx) Severn Estuary (10 tx)
Radio City: Liverpool (3 tx)
Rainbow Radio: London 3 (11 tx)
Real: Central Scotland (6 tx)
Rock FM: Lancashire (2 tx)
Rock Radio: North East (5 tx) Severn Estuary (10 tx) Yorkshire (10 tx)
SMOOTH RADIO: Central Scotland (6 tx)
SMOOTH Radio: North East (5 tx) North West (8 tx)
SYs No.1-Hallam: Sheffield (2 tx)
Sabras Radio: Leicestershire (2 tx)
Sanjhi Awaz: West Midlands (9 tx)
Signal 1: Stoke & Stafford (4 tx)
Signal 2: Stoke & Stafford (4 tx)
Smooth Radio: Nottinghamshire (3 tx)
Sout Al Khaleej: London 2 (20 tx)
Spectrum: London 2 (20 tx)
Sth Yorks Magic: Sheffield (2 tx)
Sunrise: Birmingham (4 tx)
Sunrise Radio: Coventry (4 tx) Edinburgh (5 tx) Glasgow (4 tx) London 1 (10 tx) Wolv'ton & Shrop (2 tx)
Swansea Sound: Swansea SW Wales (3 tx)
T F M: Teesside (2 tx)
THE HITS: London 2 (20 tx)
Tay AM: Tayside (4 tx)
Tay FM: Tayside (4 tx)
The Arrow - Rock: Humberside (3 tx) Leeds (3 tx) London 3 (11 tx) North East (5 tx) North West (8 tx) Sheffield (2 tx)
The Beach: Norwich (5 tx)
The Breeze: Bristol (4 tx) South Hampshire (5 tx)
The Coast: Bournemouth (3 tx) South Hampshire (5 tx)
The Pulse: Bradfrd&Huddersf (3 tx)
TheAccessChannel: Tayside (4 tx)
Traffic Radio: Berks & N Hants (4 tx) Bournemouth (3 tx) Bristol (4 tx) Cambridge (1 tx) Cornwall (2 tx) Coventry (4 tx) Essex (6 tx) Kent (5 tx) Leicestershire (2 tx) Norwich (5 tx) Nottinghamshire (3 tx) Peterborough (2 tx) Plymouth (1 tx) South East Devon (3 tx) South Hampshire (5 tx) Sussex Coast (6 tx) Swindon (3 tx) West Wiltshire (3 tx)
Traffic Radio L: London 1 (10 tx)
Traffic Radio M: Birmingham (4 tx) Stoke & Stafford (4 tx)
Traffic Radio NE: Bradfrd&Huddersf (3 tx) Humberside (3 tx) Leeds (3 tx) Teesside (2 tx) Tyne & Wear (2 tx)
Traffic Radio NW: Liverpool (3 tx) Manchester (2 tx)
TransWorld Radio: North West (8 tx)
Trax FM: Sheffield (2 tx)
UBCInspirational: Yorkshire (10 tx)
UCA Radio: Ayr (3 tx)
UCB Gospel: London 2 (20 tx) North East (5 tx) North West (8 tx) Severn Estuary (10 tx) West Midlands (9 tx) Yorkshire (10 tx)
UCB UK Christian: N. Ireland (6 tx)
UCBInspirational: London 2 (20 tx) North East (5 tx) North West (8 tx) Severn Estuary (10 tx) Stoke & Stafford (4 tx) West Midlands (9 tx)
Viking: Humberside (3 tx)
Voice Radio: South East Wales (3 tx)
Wave 105: South Hampshire (5 tx)
West FM: Ayr (3 tx)
West Sound: Ayr (3 tx)
X F M: Teesside (2 tx) Tyne & Wear (2 tx)
XFM: Birmingham (4 tx) Bournemouth (3 tx) Coventry (4 tx) Essex (6 tx) Leicestershire (2 tx) London 2 (20 tx) Norwich (5 tx) Nottinghamshire (3 tx) Peterborough (2 tx) Severn Estuary (10 tx) South East Devon (3 tx) Swindon (3 tx) West Wiltshire (3 tx) Wolv'ton & Shrop (2 tx) Yorkshire (10 tx)
XFM London: Central Scotland (6 tx)
XFM Manchester: Lancashire (2 tx) Liverpool (3 tx)
Yorkshire Radio: Yorkshire (10 tx)
beacon: Wolv'ton & Shrop (2 tx)
heat radio: London 1 (10 tx) Manchester (2 tx)
kiss 101: Severn Estuary (10 tx)
kmfm Extra: Kent (5 tx)
mercia: Coventry (4 tx)
talkSport: N. Ireland (6 tx)
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tom lester11:18 PM
hi,i watch sat tv via a humax box with no problems. all the tvs i'm interested in have integrated freeview. have i problem if i buy one of these sets.i don't wish to freeview.
quite happy with freesat. gracias. tom
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tom lester11:23 PM
can i buy a integrated freeview tv and just plug into my sat. set-up and carry on watching freesat?? gracias tom
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Wednesday, 8 June 2011
tom lester: No, you can't use FreeVIEW to watch from satellite, use FreeSAT.
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mick mcbride9:01 AM
how do i switch my techwood tv back to television after watching a dvd
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NottsUK1:40 PM
Briantist: I see that the BBC will be broadcasting the womens and mens Wimbledon finals in 3D on the BBC HD channel, Freesat 109.
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Catherine 5:20 PM
Hi, I use a Sky box to watch tv in my bedroom, (just freeview channels as I don't subscribe to Sky multi room). I live in the London area but all of a sudden my ITV region as changed to ITV Central West, which covers Birmingham etc. Any idea how to change it back? Thanks.
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Nicki5:27 PM
Hi all
I have sky + HD downstairs and a connection running upstairs contolled via a magic eye. Whilst the downstairs telly has integeral freeview the upstairs does not and so consequently has lost all channels except sky. I cannot face the kids Simpsons and WWF all through august so I have my old regular sky plus box and the coax and connectors to give me FTA channels upstairs. So I connect coax to my dish and the back of my box. I connect a scart between box and telly obviously I have a power cable for the box but..... What else?? The magic eye is in the ariel in plug In the back of the telly.
Help for a relative technophobe please :)
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