LNB is just LNB (Low-noise block downconverter)
Is not relevant mater what LNB you use.
You can by the chipset one or most expensive.
Different is only with quality, size (smaller most expensive) or LNB supported Unicable (one cable 8 or more receivers).
All LNB working with same Voltage, same frequency.
And there is no such thing as LNB for SKY Q!!!
Monday 18 May 2020 5:27PM
LNB is just LNB (Low-noise block downconverter)
Is not relevant mater what LNB you use.
You can by the chipset one or most expensive.
Different is only with quality, size (smaller most expensive) or LNB supported Unicable (one cable 8 or more receivers).
All LNB working with same Voltage, same frequency.
And there is no such thing as LNB for SKY Q!!!