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All posts by Gordon

Below are all of Gordon's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Upgrading from Sky to Freesat
Friday 28 October 2011 3:13PM

I currently have Sky+ (non HD). I have just upgraded to a Sony HD TV and am looking to do two things:

- 1 unsubscribe from Sky as they are overpriced and poor customer service

- 2 receive the free sat channels (including HD) however I have no aerial socket anywhere near the TV (beleive or not there is only one and it is upstairs).

I know I could unsubcribe from Sky and keep the equipment (have been with them over 12 months so know equipment would remain), however it's not HD.

There is also NTL cabling into the house - the subscription was cancelled with them to switch to sky - can I use that cabling to connect a freesat HD box, or connect freesat to sky cabling?

Thanks in advance.

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