I have a sky box and use the analogue out cable to serve a splitter in my loft, and then on to other tellies. Consequently I can get sky on channel 35 on all tellies. Everything is great except that BBC1 and BBC2 on the digital channel (not sky, or analogue) don't work. All other digital channels are fine. It's just BBC 1 and 2. If I plug the TV aerial straight into the splitter it's fine. Any ideas?
Monday 22 August 2011 6:05PM
I have a sky box and use the analogue out cable to serve a splitter in my loft, and then on to other tellies. Consequently I can get sky on channel 35 on all tellies. Everything is great except that BBC1 and BBC2 on the digital channel (not sky, or analogue) don't work. All other digital channels are fine. It's just BBC 1 and 2. If I plug the TV aerial straight into the splitter it's fine. Any ideas?