Our house is divided into 3 flats. The front of the house receives current analogue TV from Lewes VP (Vertical Polarity) transmitter. The back of the house has a VP aerial receiving the analogue signal from the Newhaven transmitter.
Do we need to move both aerials to HP (Horizontal Polarity) on the digital switchover days (May 30th 2012 & June 13th, 2012)?
Our post code is BN7 1TS. THANKS.
Thursday 13 October 2011 4:49PM
Our house is divided into 3 flats. The front of the house receives current analogue TV from Lewes VP (Vertical Polarity) transmitter. The back of the house has a VP aerial receiving the analogue signal from the Newhaven transmitter.
Do we need to move both aerials to HP (Horizontal Polarity) on the digital switchover days (May 30th 2012 & June 13th, 2012)?
Our post code is BN7 1TS. THANKS.