My postcode is st13 8ts.
I have 2 T.V's with FREEVIEW built in, Most of the time the signal is perfect but every now and again certain channels go off (DAVE is one and SKY NEWS). It comes up on screen NO signal, when I check the signal quality it is not that low but quality is at the "NO Signal" Times. Gets happens most after 12:30 (mostly 2:am - 9am).
Tuesday 16 July 2013 2:09PM
My postcode is st13 8ts.
I have 2 T.V's with FREEVIEW built in, Most of the time the signal is perfect but every now and again certain channels go off (DAVE is one and SKY NEWS). It comes up on screen NO signal, when I check the signal quality it is not that low but quality is at the "NO Signal" Times. Gets happens most after 12:30 (mostly 2:am - 9am).
any help please, thanks