Since the retune, I have discovered my amplifier was defective, new one now in place, all tv's up and running, however the newest tv (24 months old) is selecting Yorkshire and Lincolnshire as it region and auto tuning to include BBC1 as Yorkshire, however we are in Leicestershire using the Walthamtransmitter,the picture on this channel is blocking/breaking up as I assume it's too far away for it to view it. I have tried a factory reset, new installation, although not tried removing aerial and retuning and then starting again, will have a go at that, any ideas appreciated.
Wednesday 10 September 2014 7:29AM
Since the retune, I have discovered my amplifier was defective, new one now in place, all tv's up and running, however the newest tv (24 months old) is selecting Yorkshire and Lincolnshire as it region and auto tuning to include BBC1 as Yorkshire, however we are in Leicestershire using the Waltham transmitter,the picture on this channel is blocking/breaking up as I assume it's too far away for it to view it. I have tried a factory reset, new installation, although not tried removing aerial and retuning and then starting again, will have a go at that, any ideas appreciated.