Just bought Samsung Smart UHD TV to replace old Sony. Loftaerial is XB10A. Can't get signal for some HD channels such as Quest HD and others - all Channel 55, Frequency 746000. We should be in a strong signal area from Darveltransmitter (10 miles away).
We have another Samsung HD TV, Log type aerial in another loft, which receives all these channels no problem.
I've had conflicting advice from aerial suppliers - one says the XB10A aerial might be giving too strong a signal; another says this aerial won't pick up these channels (MUX 8 or something?)
Any help appreciated.
Wednesday 5 August 2020 5:03PM
Just bought Samsung Smart UHD TV to replace old Sony. Loft aerial is XB10A. Can't get signal for some HD channels such as Quest HD and others - all Channel 55, Frequency 746000. We should be in a strong signal area from Darvel transmitter (10 miles away).
We have another Samsung HD TV, Log type aerial in another loft, which receives all these channels no problem.
I've had conflicting advice from aerial suppliers - one says the XB10A aerial might be giving too strong a signal; another says this aerial won't pick up these channels (MUX 8 or something?)
Any help appreciated.